Bard's Gallery
Into Something Rich and Strange
Objects Initialization in C99
An overview of objects initialization in C99 standard.
Bergwolf -
Carpe Diem. To My 2011
Bergwolf -
CLSF 2011 - Day 2
A summary of CLSF 2011 second day discussions.
Bergwolf -
CLSF 2011 - Day 1
A summary of CLSF 2011 first day discussions.
Bergwolf -
X86 Calling Conversion
A brief summary of X86 calling conversion, which is helpful in understanding stack frames and kernel ABIs.
Bergwolf -
Virtual Machine Filesystem
An overview of Vmware’s VMFS.
Bergwolf -
Google Megastore
A summary after reading Google’s megastore paper.
Bergwolf -
An overview of Linux RCU implementation
Bergwolf -
status update
A long time over-due update.
Bergwolf -
CLSF 2010
CLSF 2010 summary.